Saturday, December 29, 2012

My New Year Resolutions: Things I’m Gonna Work Harder On In 2013 (now that we know the world is not ending)

Well, dang it if my strike-through didn't work on my title.  Oh well.  You can’t necessarily call
them resolutions.  I don’t plan on giving up anything.  I just want to incorporate some healthier things in my life.

1.    Workin’ on my fitness!  Yeah, I think Fergie had a better way of saying, “work out and lose weight”.  Because, it’s not just about losing weight, it’s about feeling good.  Making time to do this, is a must.  As of now, D and I carpool.   So, our my day starts at 4:30am since we have to be out the door by 6am.  I’m going to have to sacrifice some of that “down/catch-up” time after my day is “done”, which is an hour before his…and make that my workout time.  Just gotta do it, right?!
2.    Eating clean and not shoveling good tasting crap in my mouth even when I’m full portion control.  Not a diet, but somewhat of a lifestyle change.  I always thought I was pretty good at reading labels.  I still think I am.  I try not to buy a lot of overly processed foods.  In fact, I make a lot of my own breads, salad dressings, and eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies.  I’m big on replicating recipes and knowing exactly what’s going in them.
     However, that second part…the one about shoveling in food is a HUGE issue for me.  I think in my profession though, it’s harder to “savor the flavor” of things because almost every lunch is a working lunch in some way shape or form.  Half the time, I think I’m still cramming crap into my pie hole and my stomach hasn’t had time to say, “Hey, dumbass, we’re all filled up down here!”
     Yes, I know I can’t just blame my profession for my lack of courtesy to my stomach.  This also filters into home.  Mornings, I’m usually scarfing something down on my way out the door or when I get to work.  Evenings, we eat late and usually I eat too much for it being only a couple hours before bed time.  Top that with the lack of exercise lately and voila!  
3.    Eat more fish.  Unless it’s sushi, I don’t care for it.  However, I know I need to eat more of it.  So…I will make it a goal to eat more and who knows, maybe I’ll actually prepare some here at home!
4.    Reduce Stress aka…Get My “ohm” on!  Not sure if this will involve some yoga or if simply running and workin’ on my fitness.  But, I know this is something I really need to work on for myself!
5.    Appreciate. Every. Day.  I have a journal.  Unfortunately, I’m not so good about writing in it every day.  However, I was reading an article about Oprah (yeah, I know...I surprised myself too!) and how she writes down 5 things that she is grateful for every day—even if it’s something as simple as fresh flowers.  This is something I feel I could implement into my life.  I need to.  It’s so easy to focus on the negative.  I try in my everyday life to find the positive, but I know on those difficult days, that’s when I need to seek the positive even more.
6.    Keep payin’ down the debt!  I’m doing pretty well with this and I believe, as long as jobs are good and we’re able to keep doing what we’re doing, all debt will be squelched by the end of this year!  (So exciting!  Well, minus my car.  That will be mid-year 2014.) 

7.    Figure out this whole wedding thing.  Ok, ok.  So, we have lived together for the past couple years.  We’re already married in our minds, but obviously, not to the law or in God’s eyes.  So…we will get this reconciled.  I’m just grateful I get to spend every day with my best friend!
8.  Spend more time with those that matter most and random acts of kindness.  Life is too short.   And I'm not just talking family...I'm talking friends.  So many times we say, "Oh, let's get together!"...only, it never happens...or doesn't happen in a timely fashion.  I want to spend  time with my family and friends, even if it's only a few minutes.  I want them to know that I do care.  If I can't meet up with them, I want to at least show them that I'm thinking about them.  All too often, life catches up with us and we make excuses.  No. More. Excuses.  (Just like working out.)  
Now, I know I'm sure I'll add to this list as the year progresses.  These are the things that stick out in my mind as I think about this next year.  I'm expecting you all to help keep me accountable! 

What goals do you have for 2013?  
and...just because it's funny and so true to my life.....

Thanks to those who created the graphics I borrowed!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Best Darn Peanut Brittle

You'll want to make this next holiday season.  Or before New Years.  Or heck, when you get a craving for some good ol' peanut brittle.

I left the container at my parents house.  My dad can't stay out of it.

I seriously need a really good camera!  Bear with me friends!
Yep, it's that good.

And super easy.

And, it doesn't stick to your teeth.

For this delicious concoction, you'll need:
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup peanuts (or more, if your heart desires.  We add another 1/2 c to ours.)
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon baking soda

*candy thermometer, if you have one.  If not, you can do the "crack" stage when dropped into water.

Bring sugar, water, corn syrup and salt to a boil over medium heat.  Stir until sugar is dissolved.  Stir in peanuts.  Stir frequently until temp is 300*F, or until dropped in water and is brittle threads.

Remove from heat.  Add baking soda and butter.  Stir until butter is melted then pour immediately onto a pan lined with parchment paper.

Be sure when you pour into the pan that you don't pour it all in one spot.  Shake the pan to help it level out.  (You can also use forks to spread the brittle, but I found doing that eliminated some of the bubbles and it wasn't as pretty.)

Cool.  Break into pieces and store in air tight container.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Comfort Food: Potato Soup

It's cold days like today where comfort food just hits the spot.  Today, I'd like to highlight one of my favorites:  Potato soup.  This recipe isn't really difficult, but it is a bit involved.  Trust me, it's worth it!  Also, this recipe lends itself to your taste buds.  You'll notice, for the seasonings, it says, "to taste".  Feel free to play around with it and let me know what works, what doesn't or what you added!  (Also, we do celery salt for the "hint" of celery...D doesn't care for celery in his soups.)

You could probably even turn this into chicken, broccoli, potato or something similar.  The pic is not the greatest, but, damn, if there was smello-vision, I don't think the pic would matter.  Try it.  Let your taste buds do the talking!

What you'll need:
1lb bacon, diced
12 potatoes, peeled
       6-small chunks (these will dissolve and thicken the soup)
       6-large chunks
4 cups water with chicken bouillon OR chicken stock
1 onion, diced
10 (or more) baby carrots, diced
2 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 cups milk or half & half

Season to taste with:

  • dill
  • mustard powder
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • white pepper
  • celery salt
  • paprika
  • parsley

Cook bacon.  Remove and drain on paper towel.  Reserve 1/2 the grease.  Saute onion and carrots in grease until onions are translucent.  Add potatoes.  Saute for 4-5 minutes.  Add cooked bacon.  Cook 2-3 minutes.  Add chicken stock--enough to cover potatoes.  Let simmer.

In another pan, simmer heavy cream, milk and seasonings.  Add to potatoes.  Simmer 30 minutes.  Serve topped with shredded cheddar cheese, bacon and parsley.  (or serve it D's style:  with a boiled egg sliced up on top.)  Great with warm bread.

Oh, just a note:  the first time I made this, I cut all my potatoes the same size and by the time things were done simmering, all the chunks were gone!  I ended up chunking more taters and let those simmer until fork tender.   However, if you don't like chunks, use your tater masher and mash up the chunks in the soup!

Let me know what you think!  Enjoy!

Well, That Was A Heck of a Hiatus!

Apparently, I haven't posted anything since July. I guess it's time for a little update.

Well, that...and it's snowing like a mo-fo outside.  It's a good day to sip some tea and catch up on some blog reading and writing.

My love.  Ready to head out for Snowpocalypse
2012.  Can those pants be any bigger or pulled up
any higher?  Where words fail, laughter prevails.
I had my pre cancer tongue cells checked a week ago.  So far, so good.  We had a bit of a worry in August.  After my lasering in July, I had another strange spot appear in that same area.  Another biopsy, a couple days off work, only to discover it was more of the same.  Not cancer, but abnormal cells.  So, off to the cancer specialist.  

I can pretty much say, I love my doctors.  Dr. S. is pretty much amazing and has the same sense of humor as the future hubs.  I think they enjoy visiting as much as I enjoy getting a "clean" bill of health.  Anyway, the good doc thinks that this whole pre cancer cell thing is just the way I'm made.  We all knew I was a little abnormal.  So for now, we visit every 2 months, unless something strange appears.

In other news:  No wedding plans at the moment.  Why?  Because being government employees suck.  Because, being financially responsible is more of a priority than blowing the vacation money we have saved--in case something were to happen.  We've had two plans of attack.  Both have failed miserably.  (At least, in my mind they have.)  After canceling the first and talking about the second, I cried.  I cried because it's not what we had planned.  I cried because it meant more stress.  I cried because Florida is not the beach in Mexico...nor was it an all-inclusive resort.  So...plans have stalled for the moment.   But...doesn't this look inviting?                       

Yeah.  I thought so too.  (And, why, Yes!  That IS a real Corona in that glass.  This is circa 2010...our first trip to Cancun.)

This is our Elf on the Shelf, Bing.  Bing McGillicuddy Griswold, to be exact.  Bing--from Bing Crosby; McGillicuddy--from the great Doctor himself and his Menthol Peppermint schnapps, and Griswold--well, if you don't know, you live under a rock!   He found his romantic match with a tall, beautiful bottle of moscatto on Christmas day.  We love our elf.  And, despite the fact we don't have children of our own, we enjoy having him around.  He makes our spirits just a little bit brighter!  This year, Bing fished in the toilet, roasted marshmallows over a candle, climbed the pull chain to the fan, hovered in the window, hugged a wine glass and my salted caramel mocha coffee creamer in the fridge.  He also hung out between the front door and the glass storm door while waiting for packages to arrive.  Of course, this was after I caught him searching for nude elf pics on my computer and hanging out in the shower!
This sweet boy is Nissem (Nis-eem).  I call him Little Dog...and he responds to that.  He's a bit hyper and crazy and LOVES all food and his master!  I think there are times he believes he's a "Real Boy"!  (And maybe a cat at other times.  He's been taught to jump up on the counter!  It wasn't me!)  Little Dog will do absolutely anything for a treat!  
I also feel the need to note the hardwood floor!  Thanks to future hubs for finally getting rid of the skank carpet that resided in this area!  The floor is beautiful...this pic doesn't do it justice. I'm happy that he's so handy.  (In fact, today he's building a drawer to store baking sheets under the oven.)  More on that later!  Lots of updates on the house need to be done.  I'm hoping to get to the cabinets by summer! more thing...  Yeah, the weight loss thing...weight is winning.  Er, I guess I'm maintaining.  I shall make this a New Year's resolution.  I'm toying with the idea of "clean-eating".   I think that's an easier transition than Paleo.  Anyone have thoughts or ideas?

Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday!  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Who Wants Pudding Shots?!"

Thank you to our friend Aaron for that lovely introduction.

Not that he's here writing this, but that's what he shouts when he decides everyone's had enough beer and needs to start doing shots instead!  It's much funnier in person, trust me.

Now, I need to give thanks to my friend Stephanie for introducing me to pudding shots several years ago during a staff Christmas party.  

They're delicious by themselves...or with brownies.  Ha!  But who has time to eat brownies?!

This is my basic recipe:
1 small box of pudding (you choose flavor)
3/4 c. thick liqueur (like Bailey's)
3/4 c. thin liquor (like vodka)
1 - 8oz tub of Extra Creamy Cool Whip

Mix pudding and thick liqueur together.  Slowly add alcohol.  Add cool whip.  Pour into containers (I use 2oz w/lids).  Freeze and serve.

Now, for something like Peanut Butter liquor and Chocolate, I use milk in place of Bailey's.  Play around with the ratios of the alcohol you use.  You don't want them too boozy!    (Well, maybe you do!)

Here are some pics of the combinations I used:

Let me know what you think and what combinations you use!  Enjoy!!

507...Stocked and Ready....

507...the total number of shots I've made for Danapalooza, the hog roast we have every year.

239...the total number of Pudding Shots, in 10 different flavors.

268...the total number of Jello Shots, in 15 different flavors.

Lots of mixing.  Lots of pouring.  Lots of refrigeration.  Lots of innovation.

I'm now going to pre-thank the friends and family we have coming this weekend for being my guinea pigs.  I really appreciate it and I'm sorry if some of the flavors suck.  

Please tell me if they suck.  You won't hurt my feelings.

But, you may be too drunk to notice.  And that's ok too.  

The fridge and freezer are looking good!

Pudding shots are in the freezer.  Jello shots are in the fridge.   Get your tongues ready people!!  I'll have the shot code lists posted.

The beer in here is off limits...that is, until the kegs float!

Here's the Shot List!
Don't you love technology?!  Can't upload a document, but, by golly, I can turn it into a pic on my phone!  Gotta love screen shots!

Party on, party people!!

Lemon-y Goodness! (Another Pinteresting Concept)

This past weekend, I made cupcakes.  

I had kinda made a promise to myself not to be making sweet treats, but, what's a girl to do when my Sis-In-Law and my Dad both had birthdays last week?  

We were gathering over the weekend, so I broke out the Pampered Chef muffin stone wear and whipped these puppies up!

Now, I wish I was the brilliant one who came up with this concoction, but nay.  I was not.  It was something I found on Pinterest.  You can find the recipe for Limoncello Cupcakes here.

Please, don't judge that my picture is nothing like hers.  She has amazing, piled high icing.  Mine is a bit flat.  

I've now put new icing tips on my birthday list.

However, despite that my icing isn't piled high, these were De-Li-Cious!  And amazingly refreshing on yet, another hot weekend!

Everything was made from scratch...not scratched out of a box.

It also uses the limoncello liqueur which I use in my lemon drop martinis.  Mmm!  (I use Caravella.)

The cake was dense--which my father loves!  (He's the food critic in our family, kinda like 'Mikey' from the Life cereal commercial..."He likes it!  He really likes it!"  Ah, brings back memories!)  The cake is infused with lemon zest, lemon juice, limoncello, and yes, a little bit of cream cheese!

The cake was also filled with a lemon curd (lemon zest, lemon juice and eggs), that was tart but perfectly balanced with the sweet frosting and mellow cake.  

My nephew tried to eat just the curd by itself which resulted in an almost seizure-like bitter lemon face for him and laughter for us.

It's then topped with a buttercream/cream cheese frosting, infused with more lemon-y goodness. 

The whole family loved them...bitter lemon face and all!  Make 'em today!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Updates and Butt-Kickings

I've enjoyed the butt-kicking Jillian Michaels has given me the last few days doing 30-Day Shred.  Of course, I've had to modify it a bit for my foot, but no biggie.  It's 20 minutes of strength training, cardio and abs.  (27 minutes with warm up and cool down.)  Very do-able, challenging, and fits easily into the day.  It doesn't seem like a long time, but I've been seriously sweating bullets by the end...and I'm only in Phase 1.

Bang!  Bang!  ...those are my sweat bullets taking aim!

I took measurements and pics before the start of Day1.  I look forward to updating at the end of 30 days.  (Eek!  When that happens, you may want to divert your eyes!  It's ok...I'll give you a warning!)

Four weeks until I'm released to run.  Right about that time, I'll be in the thick of getting school stuff ready.  I'll also be at the end of 30-Day Shred.  

In other tongue is healing nicely.  "Nicely".  What an odd word to describe this healing process.  It's gross.  Things taste like metal.  It hurts to eat and to talk.  And I'm super sick of eating "soft foods" and I'm craving things I can't possibly grilled pizza,  strawberry and goat cheese salad, and a margarita.  Ugh.  

However, it has had it's benefits!

Like, smaller portion sizes--because it's a long process to eat.  Just a few bites, and I'm done.  Most of what I can eat is healthy.  Melon, in small pieces, eggs, whole grain pasta, mashed sweet potatoes, and of course, smoothies.  I can also eat ice cream, Jello and pudding but I don't prefer to eat those.  And if I do, it's like a bite or two...cuz in all honesty, they taste like poo.  Ok, maybe not poo--cuz I don't really know what that tastes like.  (And if I did, just call me Hilly.)   But, it doesn't taste good.

Now, if only I can continue the smaller portion sizes and making "crap food" actually taste like crap!  

The other benefit...lots and lots of water.  It's the only thing that really tastes normal.

I AM excited about some quinoa (keen-wa) recipes I found once I'm feeling up to eating most things.  The man doesn't know it yet, but he's about to get some changes in diet also!  :)  The first recipe I'm excited to try is curried quinoa with grilled chicken.  I found a basic recipe, but, if you know me, I'll be adding to it!  I'll be sure to post pics and the recipe, if it's not a total flop!

Happy Sunday!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pinteresting Concept: Caulk Rug Grips

So, I thought this was a "Pinteresting Concept".  It's originally a Martha Stewart idea of slip-proofing your rug.  Well, we have a little dog who is hyper as everything.  This, my friends, was a necessity to try.  Because, when he's running through the house, the rug never stays in it's place.  (And I tend to worry about him hurting himself.)

I even made "the man" look at the picture on Pinterest.  He was in agreement, which is good because I made him do the work!  

On the top, is Martha Stewart's picture.  On the bottom, is ours.

Now, I'm not sure if we used a different kind of caulk than she did, as I'm sure future hubs just used whatever we had.  My only complaint....if you look close on the hardwood in our picture, you can see where the caulk was.  

This is either because it was seriously sticking to the floor and picked up all the gross dirt in the grain of the wood or, because we used the wrong kind of caulk.  Regardless, I'm ok with it because:

  • The floor is old and we'll be replacing it.  (Of course, maybe tile or laminate won't have the same problem.)
  • The rug doesn't budge!
  • Little Dog isn't sliding all around our entry way now.
  • Super cheap, since we had it on hand.  (Have you priced out those rug liner grippy things?  I mean, come on, $25 @ Walmart.  Sorry, I'll save my money.)
I'll post more "Pinteresting Concepts" that I've tried later.  As for now, I leave you with a picture of our "Little Dog".  He's so cute!  

Unusual Parallels

I am my father's daughter.  I act like him and have a similar personality.  We have some weird connections at times.  

Like when shopping with my mom, I had a stabbing pain in my thumb that wouldn't go away.  My dad had a been working on a job site and had a metal shard pierce his skin at his thumb that he had to have removed.  Or, when I get weird pains in my knees or sometimes my foot, to find out he's been having the same pains just opposite side.

Unusual Parallels.

At the age of 33, my dad was diagnosed with throat cancer.  He's a non-smoker, and something like this was unexpected.  He had the full course of chemo and radiation, lost his hair, but never gave up hope and made a full recovery.  

I am now my dad's age.

I've said before this summer hasn't shaped out to be what I'd hoped.  But, I think I kind of knew that before the month of May had ended.

In mid May, I'd been to the dentist where I showed him a spot on the underside of my tongue.  It was white, was in a place where it hits a molar, but never really hurt and didn't really change shape.  I did have like a white "haze" that covered that area.  My dentist was concerned and sent me to a specialist.

Early June, I saw the specialist.  He was very concerned due to my age.  Normally, they see this kind of thing in older people.  The good news, it wasn't red and didn't hurt.  The bad news, he was still doing a biopsy.  

I got the results two weeks later.  Severe Epithelial Dysplasia.  The good news, not cancer.  The bad news, it's pre-cancer.  As it was explained to me, dysplasia can never go back to normal.  It can either stay dysplasia or become cancer.  I would need to have a laser procedure done to get rid of the pre-cancerous cells.  Oy.

I had the procedure done yesterday.  They used a CO2 laser to basically burn the area.  (After LOTS of numbing agents!)  It's like the worst charred marshmallow-burnt hair smell/taste ever.  But worth it.  

Plus, I was a "guinea pig" for some of the other doctors who came in to check out my tongue before surgery.  The nurse apologized.  I told her, "No worries...I'm a teacher, I get it!"

It'll take a while to heal.  I go back in two weeks to see how things are healing.  Then, I'll have a standing date with my specialist every 3 months for the first year, then every 6 months to a year after that.

In the words of my father: "You gotta take the good with the bad!"

I'm pretty lucky to have a supportive family and a positive outlook on life.  It is what you make it.  Lucky for me, I have a bit of a heads up!  Thanks, Dad!

I'll end this with a cute pic (slightly out of focus) of my parents.  

Yep.  I'll take the good with the bad.  

Saturday, July 7, 2012

It's Lemon Drop Martini Time! Lemon Drop Martini Time!

Lemon Drop Martini, Lemon Drop Martini, Lemon Drop Martini with a baseball bat!  

If you don't know the Peanut Butter Jelly Time song, then that's totally lost on you.  What a shame.  (You-Tube it.  Then, you'll really hate me.)

I want to share my favorite summer time drink with you. 

All this lemon-y deliciousness in a glass, rimmed with sugar and loaded with booze. (and a bit of ice in the bottom from when I chilled my glass.)

I tried to re-create this beautiful concoction after one of mine and my girlfriends' favorite martini bars.  (They still make the best.)

Warning:  Do NOT have more than 2 of these without eating!  This is experience speaking here, people!  

Mmmm.....Here ya go!

Not Quite Off the Wagon

Whelp.  I'm a bit frustrated at the moment.  I hurt my foot a little over month ago just by walking.  This is my life.  Sharp pain just walking down the sidewalk with a friend.  No tripping, just sipping on a skinny mocha frappuccino.  And since then, this summer is not quite what I'd been hoping for.

My visits with the orthopedic surgeon has not been all that pleasant in the way of information.  I was told I have arthritis and it's flared up.  In my foot.  Near my ankle.  Oh, and apparently, I have arthritis in my toe joints.  Yippee.  Apparently 33 isn't so young anymore.

Doctor prescribes me some steroids to help with the inflammation.  And, this sexy surgical shoe to limit mobility.
Don't be jealous.

And don't look at my toes.  They need to be repainted.  And pampered.

I seriously think that if I had two of these sexy beasts, I could use them for scuba fins.  Or for peddling the Flintstone's car.

After two weeks of the shoe and meds, pain diminished but still hurt to run.  Doctor says, "Sorry, no running or high impact exercise for you for another 4-6 weeks."

Seriously?  Do you have any idea how this is impacting my social life?  No softball!  No Zumba!  No Running!

Good thing is, I can still bike, swim, and do some low-impact exercises of the like.  But running is my outlet!  Softball is my love!  And Zumba, well, it's just fun!

So, no heavy sweating.  I could walk as I know as long as you get the heart rate up, you're still burning calories.  BUT...with it being 100*+ outside now, who wants to walk a mile when I could run 2 or three in that time?!  In the words of Maverick and Goose...."I feel the need...the need for speed!"  Not that I'm all that fast, but you get the point.

As I've been altering my exercises, I'm still counting the calories and drinking the water.  

What kinds of exercises do you do that keep it low impact when recovering from an injury?

Beef. It's What's for Dinner.

Yep.  I am the world's best fiancee!  Well, at least that's what the future hubs tells me.  He'd been working all day on a hog roaster/smoker for our big party we have at the end of July.  So, I decided to treat him to, what has become, one of his favorite meals. wasn't a favorite until about a month ago when I made it for our anniversary.  Then, he says, "We MUST have this again!"  I guess you watch enough Gordon Ramsay and you start to crave the deliciousness that Chef is well-known for.  

So, here it is...Beef Wellington.  Make it.  You won't regret it. (I also made Whiskey-Glazed Carrots which you can find on the Pioneer Woman's site here as well as whole wheat french bread which we grilled.)

Look delicious enough?  It's a pastry puff, stuffed with a mixture of portabella mushrooms, onions, and red wine with a tender, juicy filet!  Mmm! 

Here's what you need:

2 beef filets (mine are about 2" thick), portabella mushrooms (I used 2 of those containers), onion, EVOO, salt, red wine (I used 337 Cabernet Sauvignon--because it was open) and a little S&P.  You will also need 2 puff pastries -in case you didn't know what the notecard said.  I'm ridiculous. 

A little note about the puff pastries.  You can buy then in the freezer section.  Pepperidge Farms sells them in a 2 pack.  However, I decided to make my own using a recipe I found on  If you're feeling spunky and have nothing to do all day, then by all means!  You can find the recipe here.  I only needed 2 pastries so I adjusted the yield to 6. They turned out perfect!

Ok.  Onward!

Drizzle some EVOO on the filets.  Sprinkle on a little S&P.  Bake at 425*F for 15 minutes.
I used my roasting rack to keep them from sitting on the bottom, but you don't have to.

When they come out, they look like this:

You'll want to wrap them in foil and stick 'em in the fridge.  

Yep.  You heard right. They'll continue to cook a little, but a proper Beef Wellington is served at medium.  Plus, they'll get cooked again at the end.

While the beef is chillin' in the fridge, you'll want to chop up your mushrooms and onion.  I used my blender because I'm too lazy to assemble the food processor. 

You don't want them to become a paste, but more of a "coarse crumb" type texture.  

I had to do mine in 3 batches.

And this picture sucks.  But, whatevs.

Drizzle some olive oil in a skillet.  Then add a couple tablespoons of butter.

Add the mushroom/onion mixture and prepare for a delicious aroma to fill the kitchen!

You want the mushrooms and onions to cook down until all the water has been cooked off.
Once that happens...

Add in some red wine!  Or, in my case....

A LOT of red wine!  

And be sure to grab yourself a glass while you're at it.  

Cuz, after all this, you deserve it.   And, you're almost done.

While the red wine is reducing in the mushroom/onion mixture, (yep, you'll want all that deliciousness to cook off...but believe me, you'll be able to taste it), go ahead and roll out your puff pastry.  Oh, and remove your steaks from the fridge. 

Oh, and I advise you that BEFORE you fill the pastry, place it on parchment paper, or your pan.  You'll thank me later.  There's nothing worse than a puff pastry, filled with goodness, stuck to a counter!

Spoon some of the mushroom mixture onto the bottom of the pastry.

Then, place your steak on the mushroom mix and spoon on more mushroom mixture.  I'm lame and was so involved in what I was doing I forgot to take a pic.

Wrap the steaks up in the pastry.  You may have to cut some of the dough to make everything fold nicely.  If you're feeling spunky, flip the folded side down on the pan.  

I was lazy.  And enjoying my wine.

Also, use any extra pastry dough to wrap up any extra mushroom mixture.  Pure yumminess!

Make an egg wash and coat the outside of the Wellingtons.  Pop into a 425*F oven for 20 minutes.



Now, I must note, I made 2.  The fiancĂ© and I actually split just one of these and it was more than enough.  We also shared one of the "mushroom balls".  We ended up reheating the left overs in the oven at 200-250*F  for about 10-20 minutes.  (Truth be told, I can't exactly remember the time and temp.)  The beef was more of a medium well but still super tender and juicy!

I also followed up this meal with his favorite dessert:

Chocolate Mousse.  He ate all his.  I think I maybe consumed about 1/5 of mine.  Rich, delicious and wasn't a total flop like my first attempt a few months ago.  

If you're interested, I used David Lebovitz recipe he adapted from Julia Child.  Only I didn't have coffee.  I used Kahlua.  And instead of rum, I used Kahlua's partner in crime, Bailey's.  Otherwise, it's all the same.

Alright....For the recipe, here ya go!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Makin' Changes!

After what's been nearly a 2 year hiatus from a healthy lifestyle, I'm back in the game!  I've decided that I'm ready to make a commitment to myself and to those people in my life.  It's time, and honestly, I'm tired of my fat ass not fitting in my pants anymore!  (Not to mention the flabby arms I let hang out of sleeveless shirts!)

So...this is what I'm committed to doing:

  • working out for at least 30 minutes a day
  • drinking a gallon of water a day
  • logging my food on (I love this site.  They also have an app for both android and iPhone)
  • logging my runs on run keeper (also an app)
  • eating healthier and choosing smarter snacks
  • no extra salt or sugar
  • finding ways to de-stress and keep my blood pressure at bay
  • not work so long
Wait?  What's this about blood pressure?  Yeah, I know.  33 years old and I've been pre-hypertensive for the past year and a half.  (It's really high during the school year.  Gee, I have no idea why! *insert big ol' eye roll*)  I'm now on a mission to make sure I'm exercising more and not adding/eating so much salt.  I also have to find a way to de-stress myself.  I'm not sure if that's going to be doing yoga, deep breathing or cursing at this moment!  (I can only do two of those at school!)  

What about you?  What are you committed to doing to keep yourself healthy?