Thursday, June 28, 2012

Makin' Changes!

After what's been nearly a 2 year hiatus from a healthy lifestyle, I'm back in the game!  I've decided that I'm ready to make a commitment to myself and to those people in my life.  It's time, and honestly, I'm tired of my fat ass not fitting in my pants anymore!  (Not to mention the flabby arms I let hang out of sleeveless shirts!)

So...this is what I'm committed to doing:

  • working out for at least 30 minutes a day
  • drinking a gallon of water a day
  • logging my food on (I love this site.  They also have an app for both android and iPhone)
  • logging my runs on run keeper (also an app)
  • eating healthier and choosing smarter snacks
  • no extra salt or sugar
  • finding ways to de-stress and keep my blood pressure at bay
  • not work so long
Wait?  What's this about blood pressure?  Yeah, I know.  33 years old and I've been pre-hypertensive for the past year and a half.  (It's really high during the school year.  Gee, I have no idea why! *insert big ol' eye roll*)  I'm now on a mission to make sure I'm exercising more and not adding/eating so much salt.  I also have to find a way to de-stress myself.  I'm not sure if that's going to be doing yoga, deep breathing or cursing at this moment!  (I can only do two of those at school!)  

What about you?  What are you committed to doing to keep yourself healthy?

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