Thursday, June 28, 2012

So, My Fiancé Has A Bike.

When we started dating two years ago,  man, we used to go everywhere on that thing.  By bike, I mean crotch rocket.  And by everywhere, I mean, EVERYWHERE.  Including a B&B that's about 3.5 hours away.  (No, it didn't take us that long to get there...but that long on a bike with only 1 stop and a backpack on my back filled with the essentials for the weekend.  YEAH, long ride!) 
When we met, we both were in pretty good shape.  In fact, I was in the best shape of my adult life.  I was down to 135, running almost every day or doing some sort of cardio like it was going out of style.  I watched what I ate.  I logged my calories on and was really in tune with my body. So, riding on the back of that bike, I didn't really feel like a big lard ass.  And at one point, when I saw this picture on the exhaust of his bike, I scoffed, then chuckled.  "I take it this is my warning to not be gaining any weight?"  Why, yes.  That is a picture that says, "No Fat Chicks".  Crude?  Yes.  Hilarious?  Perhaps at one time. (Cuz, let's face it, no one wants to see anyone's big ol' booty on the back of a crotch rocket--man or woman!)  But this is also what I come to expect from my man that also has a scantily clad woman on his helmet.  He's grown up a lot since he first bought his bike several years ago.  

You these past two years have gone by, we both have gained weight, or as I like to call it, "Happy Fat".  Cooking, hanging out and just spending time together took a huge step to the forefront of our well being.  And well...our bodies have paid.

So, what's all this have to do with the motorcycle?  Oh yes.  Well, we rode a few times last year...and this year, not at all.  I'm feeling a little guilty looking at this plaque on his bike and thinking I still qualify for riding on the back.  So, it's a little form of motivation.  I LOVE riding, but I refuse to look like one of those chicks whose butt is too big for, what's a barely visible seat to begin with.  

Here's to losing weight and being fit.  Ride on!


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