Sunday, July 15, 2012

Updates and Butt-Kickings

I've enjoyed the butt-kicking Jillian Michaels has given me the last few days doing 30-Day Shred.  Of course, I've had to modify it a bit for my foot, but no biggie.  It's 20 minutes of strength training, cardio and abs.  (27 minutes with warm up and cool down.)  Very do-able, challenging, and fits easily into the day.  It doesn't seem like a long time, but I've been seriously sweating bullets by the end...and I'm only in Phase 1.

Bang!  Bang!  ...those are my sweat bullets taking aim!

I took measurements and pics before the start of Day1.  I look forward to updating at the end of 30 days.  (Eek!  When that happens, you may want to divert your eyes!  It's ok...I'll give you a warning!)

Four weeks until I'm released to run.  Right about that time, I'll be in the thick of getting school stuff ready.  I'll also be at the end of 30-Day Shred.  

In other tongue is healing nicely.  "Nicely".  What an odd word to describe this healing process.  It's gross.  Things taste like metal.  It hurts to eat and to talk.  And I'm super sick of eating "soft foods" and I'm craving things I can't possibly grilled pizza,  strawberry and goat cheese salad, and a margarita.  Ugh.  

However, it has had it's benefits!

Like, smaller portion sizes--because it's a long process to eat.  Just a few bites, and I'm done.  Most of what I can eat is healthy.  Melon, in small pieces, eggs, whole grain pasta, mashed sweet potatoes, and of course, smoothies.  I can also eat ice cream, Jello and pudding but I don't prefer to eat those.  And if I do, it's like a bite or two...cuz in all honesty, they taste like poo.  Ok, maybe not poo--cuz I don't really know what that tastes like.  (And if I did, just call me Hilly.)   But, it doesn't taste good.

Now, if only I can continue the smaller portion sizes and making "crap food" actually taste like crap!  

The other benefit...lots and lots of water.  It's the only thing that really tastes normal.

I AM excited about some quinoa (keen-wa) recipes I found once I'm feeling up to eating most things.  The man doesn't know it yet, but he's about to get some changes in diet also!  :)  The first recipe I'm excited to try is curried quinoa with grilled chicken.  I found a basic recipe, but, if you know me, I'll be adding to it!  I'll be sure to post pics and the recipe, if it's not a total flop!

Happy Sunday!

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