Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lemon-y Goodness! (Another Pinteresting Concept)

This past weekend, I made cupcakes.  

I had kinda made a promise to myself not to be making sweet treats, but, what's a girl to do when my Sis-In-Law and my Dad both had birthdays last week?  

We were gathering over the weekend, so I broke out the Pampered Chef muffin stone wear and whipped these puppies up!

Now, I wish I was the brilliant one who came up with this concoction, but nay.  I was not.  It was something I found on Pinterest.  You can find the recipe for Limoncello Cupcakes here.

Please, don't judge that my picture is nothing like hers.  She has amazing, piled high icing.  Mine is a bit flat.  

I've now put new icing tips on my birthday list.

However, despite that my icing isn't piled high, these were De-Li-Cious!  And amazingly refreshing on yet, another hot weekend!

Everything was made from scratch...not scratched out of a box.

It also uses the limoncello liqueur which I use in my lemon drop martinis.  Mmm!  (I use Caravella.)

The cake was dense--which my father loves!  (He's the food critic in our family, kinda like 'Mikey' from the Life cereal commercial..."He likes it!  He really likes it!"  Ah, brings back memories!)  The cake is infused with lemon zest, lemon juice, limoncello, and yes, a little bit of cream cheese!

The cake was also filled with a lemon curd (lemon zest, lemon juice and eggs), that was tart but perfectly balanced with the sweet frosting and mellow cake.  

My nephew tried to eat just the curd by itself which resulted in an almost seizure-like bitter lemon face for him and laughter for us.

It's then topped with a buttercream/cream cheese frosting, infused with more lemon-y goodness. 

The whole family loved them...bitter lemon face and all!  Make 'em today!

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