Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pinteresting Concept: Caulk Rug Grips

So, I thought this was a "Pinteresting Concept".  It's originally a Martha Stewart idea of slip-proofing your rug.  Well, we have a little dog who is hyper as everything.  This, my friends, was a necessity to try.  Because, when he's running through the house, the rug never stays in it's place.  (And I tend to worry about him hurting himself.)

I even made "the man" look at the picture on Pinterest.  He was in agreement, which is good because I made him do the work!  

On the top, is Martha Stewart's picture.  On the bottom, is ours.

Now, I'm not sure if we used a different kind of caulk than she did, as I'm sure future hubs just used whatever we had.  My only complaint....if you look close on the hardwood in our picture, you can see where the caulk was.  

This is either because it was seriously sticking to the floor and picked up all the gross dirt in the grain of the wood or, because we used the wrong kind of caulk.  Regardless, I'm ok with it because:

  • The floor is old and we'll be replacing it.  (Of course, maybe tile or laminate won't have the same problem.)
  • The rug doesn't budge!
  • Little Dog isn't sliding all around our entry way now.
  • Super cheap, since we had it on hand.  (Have you priced out those rug liner grippy things?  I mean, come on, $25 @ Walmart.  Sorry, I'll save my money.)
I'll post more "Pinteresting Concepts" that I've tried later.  As for now, I leave you with a picture of our "Little Dog".  He's so cute!  

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