Saturday, December 29, 2012

My New Year Resolutions: Things I’m Gonna Work Harder On In 2013 (now that we know the world is not ending)

Well, dang it if my strike-through didn't work on my title.  Oh well.  You can’t necessarily call
them resolutions.  I don’t plan on giving up anything.  I just want to incorporate some healthier things in my life.

1.    Workin’ on my fitness!  Yeah, I think Fergie had a better way of saying, “work out and lose weight”.  Because, it’s not just about losing weight, it’s about feeling good.  Making time to do this, is a must.  As of now, D and I carpool.   So, our my day starts at 4:30am since we have to be out the door by 6am.  I’m going to have to sacrifice some of that “down/catch-up” time after my day is “done”, which is an hour before his…and make that my workout time.  Just gotta do it, right?!
2.    Eating clean and not shoveling good tasting crap in my mouth even when I’m full portion control.  Not a diet, but somewhat of a lifestyle change.  I always thought I was pretty good at reading labels.  I still think I am.  I try not to buy a lot of overly processed foods.  In fact, I make a lot of my own breads, salad dressings, and eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies.  I’m big on replicating recipes and knowing exactly what’s going in them.
     However, that second part…the one about shoveling in food is a HUGE issue for me.  I think in my profession though, it’s harder to “savor the flavor” of things because almost every lunch is a working lunch in some way shape or form.  Half the time, I think I’m still cramming crap into my pie hole and my stomach hasn’t had time to say, “Hey, dumbass, we’re all filled up down here!”
     Yes, I know I can’t just blame my profession for my lack of courtesy to my stomach.  This also filters into home.  Mornings, I’m usually scarfing something down on my way out the door or when I get to work.  Evenings, we eat late and usually I eat too much for it being only a couple hours before bed time.  Top that with the lack of exercise lately and voila!  
3.    Eat more fish.  Unless it’s sushi, I don’t care for it.  However, I know I need to eat more of it.  So…I will make it a goal to eat more and who knows, maybe I’ll actually prepare some here at home!
4.    Reduce Stress aka…Get My “ohm” on!  Not sure if this will involve some yoga or if simply running and workin’ on my fitness.  But, I know this is something I really need to work on for myself!
5.    Appreciate. Every. Day.  I have a journal.  Unfortunately, I’m not so good about writing in it every day.  However, I was reading an article about Oprah (yeah, I know...I surprised myself too!) and how she writes down 5 things that she is grateful for every day—even if it’s something as simple as fresh flowers.  This is something I feel I could implement into my life.  I need to.  It’s so easy to focus on the negative.  I try in my everyday life to find the positive, but I know on those difficult days, that’s when I need to seek the positive even more.
6.    Keep payin’ down the debt!  I’m doing pretty well with this and I believe, as long as jobs are good and we’re able to keep doing what we’re doing, all debt will be squelched by the end of this year!  (So exciting!  Well, minus my car.  That will be mid-year 2014.) 

7.    Figure out this whole wedding thing.  Ok, ok.  So, we have lived together for the past couple years.  We’re already married in our minds, but obviously, not to the law or in God’s eyes.  So…we will get this reconciled.  I’m just grateful I get to spend every day with my best friend!
8.  Spend more time with those that matter most and random acts of kindness.  Life is too short.   And I'm not just talking family...I'm talking friends.  So many times we say, "Oh, let's get together!"...only, it never happens...or doesn't happen in a timely fashion.  I want to spend  time with my family and friends, even if it's only a few minutes.  I want them to know that I do care.  If I can't meet up with them, I want to at least show them that I'm thinking about them.  All too often, life catches up with us and we make excuses.  No. More. Excuses.  (Just like working out.)  
Now, I know I'm sure I'll add to this list as the year progresses.  These are the things that stick out in my mind as I think about this next year.  I'm expecting you all to help keep me accountable! 

What goals do you have for 2013?  
and...just because it's funny and so true to my life.....

Thanks to those who created the graphics I borrowed!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Best Darn Peanut Brittle

You'll want to make this next holiday season.  Or before New Years.  Or heck, when you get a craving for some good ol' peanut brittle.

I left the container at my parents house.  My dad can't stay out of it.

I seriously need a really good camera!  Bear with me friends!
Yep, it's that good.

And super easy.

And, it doesn't stick to your teeth.

For this delicious concoction, you'll need:
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup peanuts (or more, if your heart desires.  We add another 1/2 c to ours.)
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon baking soda

*candy thermometer, if you have one.  If not, you can do the "crack" stage when dropped into water.

Bring sugar, water, corn syrup and salt to a boil over medium heat.  Stir until sugar is dissolved.  Stir in peanuts.  Stir frequently until temp is 300*F, or until dropped in water and is brittle threads.

Remove from heat.  Add baking soda and butter.  Stir until butter is melted then pour immediately onto a pan lined with parchment paper.

Be sure when you pour into the pan that you don't pour it all in one spot.  Shake the pan to help it level out.  (You can also use forks to spread the brittle, but I found doing that eliminated some of the bubbles and it wasn't as pretty.)

Cool.  Break into pieces and store in air tight container.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Comfort Food: Potato Soup

It's cold days like today where comfort food just hits the spot.  Today, I'd like to highlight one of my favorites:  Potato soup.  This recipe isn't really difficult, but it is a bit involved.  Trust me, it's worth it!  Also, this recipe lends itself to your taste buds.  You'll notice, for the seasonings, it says, "to taste".  Feel free to play around with it and let me know what works, what doesn't or what you added!  (Also, we do celery salt for the "hint" of celery...D doesn't care for celery in his soups.)

You could probably even turn this into chicken, broccoli, potato or something similar.  The pic is not the greatest, but, damn, if there was smello-vision, I don't think the pic would matter.  Try it.  Let your taste buds do the talking!

What you'll need:
1lb bacon, diced
12 potatoes, peeled
       6-small chunks (these will dissolve and thicken the soup)
       6-large chunks
4 cups water with chicken bouillon OR chicken stock
1 onion, diced
10 (or more) baby carrots, diced
2 cups heavy cream
1 1/2 cups milk or half & half

Season to taste with:

  • dill
  • mustard powder
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • white pepper
  • celery salt
  • paprika
  • parsley

Cook bacon.  Remove and drain on paper towel.  Reserve 1/2 the grease.  Saute onion and carrots in grease until onions are translucent.  Add potatoes.  Saute for 4-5 minutes.  Add cooked bacon.  Cook 2-3 minutes.  Add chicken stock--enough to cover potatoes.  Let simmer.

In another pan, simmer heavy cream, milk and seasonings.  Add to potatoes.  Simmer 30 minutes.  Serve topped with shredded cheddar cheese, bacon and parsley.  (or serve it D's style:  with a boiled egg sliced up on top.)  Great with warm bread.

Oh, just a note:  the first time I made this, I cut all my potatoes the same size and by the time things were done simmering, all the chunks were gone!  I ended up chunking more taters and let those simmer until fork tender.   However, if you don't like chunks, use your tater masher and mash up the chunks in the soup!

Let me know what you think!  Enjoy!

Well, That Was A Heck of a Hiatus!

Apparently, I haven't posted anything since July. I guess it's time for a little update.

Well, that...and it's snowing like a mo-fo outside.  It's a good day to sip some tea and catch up on some blog reading and writing.

My love.  Ready to head out for Snowpocalypse
2012.  Can those pants be any bigger or pulled up
any higher?  Where words fail, laughter prevails.
I had my pre cancer tongue cells checked a week ago.  So far, so good.  We had a bit of a worry in August.  After my lasering in July, I had another strange spot appear in that same area.  Another biopsy, a couple days off work, only to discover it was more of the same.  Not cancer, but abnormal cells.  So, off to the cancer specialist.  

I can pretty much say, I love my doctors.  Dr. S. is pretty much amazing and has the same sense of humor as the future hubs.  I think they enjoy visiting as much as I enjoy getting a "clean" bill of health.  Anyway, the good doc thinks that this whole pre cancer cell thing is just the way I'm made.  We all knew I was a little abnormal.  So for now, we visit every 2 months, unless something strange appears.

In other news:  No wedding plans at the moment.  Why?  Because being government employees suck.  Because, being financially responsible is more of a priority than blowing the vacation money we have saved--in case something were to happen.  We've had two plans of attack.  Both have failed miserably.  (At least, in my mind they have.)  After canceling the first and talking about the second, I cried.  I cried because it's not what we had planned.  I cried because it meant more stress.  I cried because Florida is not the beach in Mexico...nor was it an all-inclusive resort.  So...plans have stalled for the moment.   But...doesn't this look inviting?                       

Yeah.  I thought so too.  (And, why, Yes!  That IS a real Corona in that glass.  This is circa 2010...our first trip to Cancun.)

This is our Elf on the Shelf, Bing.  Bing McGillicuddy Griswold, to be exact.  Bing--from Bing Crosby; McGillicuddy--from the great Doctor himself and his Menthol Peppermint schnapps, and Griswold--well, if you don't know, you live under a rock!   He found his romantic match with a tall, beautiful bottle of moscatto on Christmas day.  We love our elf.  And, despite the fact we don't have children of our own, we enjoy having him around.  He makes our spirits just a little bit brighter!  This year, Bing fished in the toilet, roasted marshmallows over a candle, climbed the pull chain to the fan, hovered in the window, hugged a wine glass and my salted caramel mocha coffee creamer in the fridge.  He also hung out between the front door and the glass storm door while waiting for packages to arrive.  Of course, this was after I caught him searching for nude elf pics on my computer and hanging out in the shower!
This sweet boy is Nissem (Nis-eem).  I call him Little Dog...and he responds to that.  He's a bit hyper and crazy and LOVES all food and his master!  I think there are times he believes he's a "Real Boy"!  (And maybe a cat at other times.  He's been taught to jump up on the counter!  It wasn't me!)  Little Dog will do absolutely anything for a treat!  
I also feel the need to note the hardwood floor!  Thanks to future hubs for finally getting rid of the skank carpet that resided in this area!  The floor is beautiful...this pic doesn't do it justice. I'm happy that he's so handy.  (In fact, today he's building a drawer to store baking sheets under the oven.)  More on that later!  Lots of updates on the house need to be done.  I'm hoping to get to the cabinets by summer! more thing...  Yeah, the weight loss thing...weight is winning.  Er, I guess I'm maintaining.  I shall make this a New Year's resolution.  I'm toying with the idea of "clean-eating".   I think that's an easier transition than Paleo.  Anyone have thoughts or ideas?

Hope everyone had a fabulous holiday!