Sunday, January 25, 2015

It's Essentially A Pain...Cream.

Hey there!

About a month ago, I had made a pain cream for my husband's shoulder.  It worked pretty well, I ended up making it for a friend who was having some nasty sciatic pains.  She returned the bottle of PanAway oil I had loaned her, but said, "I'm keeping the cream!".  She's currently using it on her foot where she's been experiencing some numbness, as well as on her back and hip.

So, I thought I'd share this little gem with you.

But first, you need to know:  I'm not a doctor, despite what my students may think. ;)   I'm not diagnosing, treating or prescribing anything.  I'm just sharing what's worked for us.

This pain cream is made from coconut oil, 15 drops each of PanAway and Peppermint and 10 drops each of Valor, Lemongrass, Copiaba, and Idaho Balsam Fir.  Mix it all together in a glass jar and viola!  Normally, I would add Frankincense too, but my stash is a bit low!

Why these oils?  Well...
PanAway reduces pain and inflammation and helps with healing.
Peppermint helps reduce pain and inflammation
Valor is great for the mind with a blend of oils that are grounding and are great at elevating mental states
Lemongrass helps to regenerate connective tissues and ligaments and improves circulation
Copiaba is a strong anti-inflammatory and helps with pain
Idaho Balsam Fir is anti-inflammatory as well as an anticoagulant.  It also helps to stimulate the mind.

*Information on oils is derived from the Essential Oil Pocket Reference, 6th Edition.

I can't promise you won't smell like an over-the-counter pain cream...but I will promise the benefit of putting all natural ingredients on your skin certainly outweighs any smell and chemically laden product!

Give it a try!